So transportieren Sie eine Lifepo4-Solarbatterie: Transportmethode, Besondere Anforderungen 2024

lifepo4 solar battery

When I first entered this industry, I thought lead-acid batteries would be more dangerous than lifepo4 solar battery, but GycxSolar boss told that’s not right. Im Gegenteil, lithium-ion battery products are more dangerous, with risks such as explosion and combustion. Jedoch, battery products have always had high and complex transportation requirements in logistics.

Due to the unique composition complexity of lifepo4 solar battery and the fact that not all logistics service providers have safety awareness and corresponding professional knowledge to handle them in compliance, the transportation process of lithium-ion batteries is full of variables and complexity. daher, please note that express delivery is not just about putting lithium batteries in boxes. Transporting batteries is a serious job, and if not handled properly, it can lead to explosions, fires, and fineswith significant risks!

In this brief blog post, we will introduce the correct methods for battery transportation, including understanding regulations, Verpackung, among other things. With the correct professional knowledge, you can safely transport lifepo4 solar battery.

Understand lifepo4 solar battery

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Lifepo4 solar battery is the fundamental core of modern power storage, widely used in fields such as consumer electronics, automotive, and industry. Its lightweight and high energy density make it the preferred choice for portable and long-lasting power needs. As more and more products rely on Lifepo4 solar batteries, the market demand for them is also constantly increasing.
It is crucial to have a deep understanding of the classification of lithium-ion batteries in order to ensure safe transportation. Lithium ion batteries contain various highly active substances, and understanding their chemical composition is one of the foundations.

Gleichzeitig, it has high energy density and generates heat during operation, which may pose significant safety hazards in limited capacity spaces, especially in enclosed spaces such as containers during transportation.
Lithium ion batteries belong to Class 9 of hazardous material systems. Class 9 covers various types of dangerous goods, including items that are easily heated and flammable. Lithium ion batteries are particularly prominent in this category due to their fire hazards and susceptibility to overheating.
This classification system evaluates the potential risks of substances and materials during transportation. Improper handling, Verpackung, or storage can lead to serious chemical and electrical hazards, so it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the details of safe transportation.

These classifications provide logistics providers with the characteristics of goods, enabling them to know how to ship lithium ion batteries and handle logistics of lifepo4 solar batteries correctly, ensuring compliance with safety regulations and preventing accidents during transportation.

Why do lifepo4 Solar Battery Require Special Transportation Arrangements

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Lifepo4 solar battery requires special arrangements during transportation as improper handling may result in serious consequences.
If the battery is damaged or short circuited, Es kann thermische Ausreißer verursachen, kann zu einem Brand oder einer Explosion führen. This may not only cause harm to the handling personnel or emergency rescue personnel, but also lead to damage to the cargo, and the fire may even spread to the cargo hold of the aircraft or ship.

If a fire occurs during transportation, especially by air, emergency landing or diversion may be required, increasing the risk and complexity of transportation. Zusätzlich, if you violate battery transportation regulations, you may also end up paying regulatory fines or losing transportation rights.
Due to its high risk, lithium batteries are classified as Class 9 dangerous goods. And other types of batteries may belong to other categories of dangerous goods. Battery products must comply with packaging, labeling, and quantity restrictions regulations.

What are the ways in which Lifepo4 solar batteries can be transported?

Lifepo4 solar battery can be transported by all four main modes of transportation used in logistics: air, sea, road, and rail. Jedoch, different modes of transportation may have different regulations and requirements.
Below we will introduce general guidelines applicable to all modes of transportation, which can be obtained by reviewing specific hazardous material regulations in the following industries for more detailed information:
Air freight: International Air Transport Association Dangerous Goods Regulations and International Air Transport Association Lithium Battery Transport Regulations (LBSR)
Ocean: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG)
Highway: Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
Railway: International Regulations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID)

Transportation regulations for lithium-ion batteries

Two important documents: the United Nations Manual of Tests and Criteria and the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).
It is crucial to comply with UN Standard 38.3 when transporting lithium-ion batteries by air, sea, road, and rail.

This standard comes from the United Nations Manual of Tests and Standards and applies to both standalone batteries and batteries already installed in equipment. In trade security regulations, the United Nations has been issuing guidelines for the safe transportation of dangerous goods.
The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) provides universal safety standards for chemicals. This method facilitates staff to quickly understand the potential risks of different chemicals, ensuring the safe handling, transportation, and use of chemicals, thereby protecting humans and the environment.

UN Standard 38.3: Global Standards

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The United Nations Manual of Tests and Standards provides detailed testing methods, standards, and procedures for the classification of dangerous goods.
In this comprehensive regulatory requirement regulation, there is a dedicated chapter widely known as UN Standard 38.3, which is the third part of the manual, Section 38.3.
This section provides detailed information on the transportation of lithium metal and lithium-ion batteries. These regulations are global benchmarks, and unified regulatory standards are conducive to maintaining the safety of lithium-ion battery transportation. Regulatory agencies around the world generally accept and comply with them.

If you are considering international transportation of lithium-ion batteries, it is crucial to understand the special limitations arising from their inherent hazards. Other detailed requirements may vary depending on the mode of transportation and the country/region where the battery is transported. It is recommended to carefully verify and consult relevant departments to ensure compliance.

Transporting batteries by Road

Regulation Compliant Transport of Used Batteries using UNISEG Pallet

In road transportation, shippers must comply with the lithium-ion battery regulations of the local transportation department, including appropriate packaging, labeling, and specific quantities and types for road transportation. Truck transport companies must also comply with more detailed regulations, B. das Anbringen von Etiketten an der Außenseite von Behältern und die zeitnahe Meldung von Informationen an die zuständigen lokalen Regierungsbehörden.

Shipping lithium batteries by Air

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Können Lithium-Ionen-Batterien per Flugzeug verschickt werden? ? Die Antwort ist ja, aber die Konditionen werden etwas höher sein.

Um die Sicherheit beim Versand von Lithiumbatterien auf dem Luftweg zu gewährleisten, Fluggesellschaften werden spezifische Regeln und Beschränkungen festlegen. Unabhängige Lithium-Ionen-Batterien können nicht als Fracht auf Passagierflügen transportiert werden. Aber die in den Geräten verbauten Lithium-Ionen-Batterien können per Flugzeug verschickt werden, Es wird jedoch Einschränkungen hinsichtlich der Anzahl der Batterien und der Art der Ausrüstung geben.
Unabhängige Lithium-Ionen-Batterien können mit Frachtflugzeugen transportiert werden, Sie müssen jedoch vorschriftsmäßig verpackt werden, um mögliche hohe Risiken wie Kurzschlüsse oder Selbstentzündung zu verhindern.
Dazu gehört, jede Batterie einzeln zu verpacken und in eine sekundäre Umverpackung zu legen, um Kurzschlüsse zu verhindern.

Der Ladezustand (SoC) aller Lithium-Ionen-Batteriezellen und -Batterien (UND 3480 nur) darf nicht überschritten werden 30% ihrer Nennkapazität. Batteriezellen und Batterien mit einem SoC-Wert 30% Der Transport kann nur gemäß den von den Behörden schriftlich festgelegten Bedingungen erfolgen, mit Genehmigung des Herkunftslandes und des Landes, in dem der Betreiber ansässig ist.
Für die neuesten und überarbeiteten Vorschriften, Bitte beachten Sie die Leitfäden zum Transport von Lithiumbatterien an Ihrem Standort. Und ob es sich um internationale oder inländische Fracht handelt, Am besten erkundigen Sie sich bei den Fluggesellschaften nach zusätzlichen Anforderungen, die sie selbst angepasst haben.

Lithium ion Railway Transportation

Batteriezüge der Skoda-Gruppe als Zukunft des nachhaltigen Transports.jpg

Der Transport von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien per Bahn erfordert die Einhaltung spezifischer Bahnvorschriften, um Sicherheit und Compliance während des Transports zu gewährleisten.
Es muss der UN-Verordnung entsprechen 38.3: Alle per Bahn transportierten Lithium-Ionen-Batterien müssen strenge Tests bestehen, die im Handbuch für Tests und Standards der Vereinten Nationen festgelegt sind, inklusive Höhe, Temperaturwechsel, Vibration, und Schocktests. Lithium-Ionen-Akkus müssen vorschriftsmäßig verpackt und mit Gefahrenaufklebern gekennzeichnet sein. Um Beschädigungen beim Transport vorzubeugen, Batterien sollten außerdem daran gehindert werden, sich innerhalb der Verpackung zu bewegen (PHMSA).

Für den Schienenverkehr, Der Ladezustand von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien und Akkus darf nicht überschritten werden 30% ihrer Nennkapazität. Höhere SoC-Werte sind nur unter besonderen Umständen mit Genehmigung der zuständigen Behörden des Herkunfts- und Bestimmungslandes zulässig (PHMSA).

Shipping Lithium batteries By Sea

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Der Seefrachtverkehr ist der wichtigste internationale Transportweg für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien. Diese Methode unterliegt den internationalen Vorschriften des International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG-Code), Dies ist der weltweite Standard für den sicheren Transport gefährlicher Güter auf dem Seeweg. Der Transport von Lithiumbatterien auf dem Seeweg erfordert die Einhaltung internationaler Vorschriften und Richtlinien, um den sicheren Transport dieser potenziell gefährlichen Materialien zu gewährleisten.

Einige Informationen zum Versand von Batterien im Meer:
The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) specifies the classification, Verpackung, labeling, and other requirements for dangerous goods to prevent accidents and environmental hazards.
Classification of International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code:
UND 3480 is applicable to independent lithium-ion batteries.
UND 3481 applies to lithium-ion batteries inside or packaged in equipment.
UND 3090 and UN 3091 respectively apply to lithium metal batteries and lithium metal batteries contained or packaged in equipment.

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With the surge in global demand for lithium-ion batteries, logistics transportation will also face new expansion and challenges. Choosing the appropriate transportation method based on your location is beneficial for your investment safety. Manchmal ist der Transport von Lithiumbatterien nicht so sicher, da es bei Seetransporten schon früher zu Ladungsbränden gekommen ist.

Angemessene Auswahl, Verpackung, und Betonung können das Auftreten dieser Risiken reduzieren und den reibungslosen Verlauf Ihrer eigenen Investition sicherstellen.
daher, Der Transport von Lifepo4-Solarbatterien erfordert eine sorgfältige Planung und die Einhaltung spezifischer Richtlinien und Vorschriften des Transportortes, um Sicherheit und Compliance zu gewährleisten. Es wird empfohlen, stets auf die neuesten Updates und detaillierten Richtlinien zu achten, die in offiziellen Dokumenten relevanter Regulierungsbehörden wie der International Air Transport Association zu finden sind, der International Maritime Dangerous Goods Administration, und örtliche Verkehrsbehörden.

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