LONGi 395-415W Mono

LONGI Solar 285 290Preis für W-Mono-Solarmodule


Hohe Effizienz

LONGI Solar 285 290Preis für W-Mono-Solarmodule 1



LONGI Solar 285 290Preis für W-Mono-Solarmodule 3



LONGI Solar 285 290Preis für W-Mono-Solarmodule 2




TECHNISCHE STÄRKE: Setting New Records in Efficiency and Patents
LONGi Solar has consistently pushed the boundaries of solar panel efficiency, breaking world records multiple times according to the CPVT report. Their mono PERC solar panels have achieved remarkable levels of efficiency. Zusätzlich, by the end of October 2017, LONGi Solar had obtained an impressive 275 Patente, showcasing their technical prowess and commitment to innovation.

Maßstab und Leistung: Recognized Globally for Success
LONGi Solar’s scale and achievements have garnered recognition on a global scale. In 2017, the company was ranked 78th in the prestigious “Global 500 New Energy Companies” list, highlighting their significant presence in the renewable energy sector. Außerdem, their shipments ranked among the top four worldwide in 2019, with a remarkable growth rate of 25%.

FINANZIELLE SOLIDITÄT: Leading the Way in Financial Health
LONGi Solar’s financial soundness is a testament to their strong position in the industry. In the 2016 Q1-2017 Q3 Photon report, which evaluates the competitiveness of global PV enterprises, LONGi Solar ranked in the first echelon, showcasing their leading technical strength and comprehensive capabilities. Darüber hinaus, in the Peng Boxin Energy 2017 Bewertungsbericht des Komponentenherstellers, LONGi Solar’s financial health index ranked among the top five globally and secured the top position in China.


400 415w


LONGI Solar 335 340Preis für W-Mono-Solarmodule

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Abschließend, LONGi Solar’s technical strength, scale, achievements, and financial soundness have positioned them as a formidable player in the solar industry. Their groundbreaking efficiency records, extensive patent portfolio, global recognition, and strong financial performance solidify their position as a leader in the renewable energy sector.

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