O inversor SUN2000-50KTL-M3 é um inversor solar projetado para sistemas de energia solar em grande escala.

O SUN2000-50KTL-M3 solar inverter is a cutting-edge solution for solar energy systems, specifically engineered for high-capacity installations. Developed by leading renewable energy technology provider, Huawei, this inverter exemplifies advanced features and performance.

Key Features of solar inverter:

High Capacity With a robust capacity of 50 kilowatts (kW), the SUN2000-50KTL-M3 is suitable for large-scale solar installations, making it ideal for commercial and industrial applications.

solar Inverter
solar inverter

Efficient Power Conversion This inverter boasts high-efficiency power conversion, optimizing the energy harvested from solar panels and ensuring maximum output for the connected solar power system.

Smart Monitoring Equipped with intelligent monitoring capabilities, the inverter allows users to remotely monitor and manage their solar power system. This feature facilitates real-time performance tracking, fault detection, and overall system management.

Reliable Design Huawei’s commitment to reliability is reflected in the design of the SUN2000-50KTL-M3. It is built with durable materials to withstand various environmental conditions, ensuring long-term and consistent performance.

solar inverter
install & display

Grid Connectivity The inverter is designed to seamlessly connect with the grid, enabling the integration of solar power into existing electrical infrastructure. This feature ensures the efficient distribution of solar-generated electricity.

Safety Features The SUN2000-50KTL-M3 prioritizes safety with built-in protection mechanisms against over-voltage, sobre corrente, and other potential issues, enhancing the overall security of the solar power system.

Easy Installation Designed for user-friendly installation, the inverter simplifies the setup process, reducing the time and effort required to get the solar power system operational.

Resumindo, the SUN2000-50KTL-M3 inverter by Huawei represents a high-capacity, eficiente, and reliable solution for large-scale solar energy systems. Its advanced features make it a key player in the transition towards sustainable and renewable energy sources.

Descrição do produto

The Huawei SUN2000 50KTL M3 is a remarkable fusion of efficiency and user-friendliness. Serving as an essential component of any PV system, this inverter is specifically engineered to seamlessly convert direct current generated by solar cells into grid-standard alternating current. This versatile form of electricity can be readily utilized on-site or seamlessly fed into the grid, ensuring a reliable and efficient power supply. With its advanced technology and intuitive design, the Huawei SUN2000-50KTL-M3 simplifies the process of harnessing solar energy, making it accessible to both residential and commercial users. Experience the power of efficiency and ease of use with the Huawei SUN2000-50KTL-M3 and unlock the full potential of your solar power system.

Input Data (CC)

Máx.. input voltage1100V
Máx.. current per MPPT30A
Máx.. current per input20A
Máx.. short circuit current per MPPT40A
Start voltage200V
MPPT operating voltage range200V-1000V
Rated input voltage600V
Number of inputs8
Number of MPP trackers4
Input Data (CC)
How Does A Solar Inverter Work
CC & AC solar inverter

Output Data (AC)

Rated AC active power50000C
Máx.. Potência aparente CA55000VA
Máx.. AC active power55000C
Rated output voltage400Vac/480Vac,3C+(N)+PE
Frequência nominal da rede CA50Hz/60 Hz
Fator de potência ajustável0.8leading to 0.8lagging
Máx.. total harmonic distortion<3%
Output Data (AC)

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