Как выбрать правильный тип солнечной панели для вас?

The type of солнечные панели you need depends on the type of system you expect to install. Over the past time, solar panel technology has evolved in pursuit of higher efficiency, более низкая стоимость, aesthetics and durability.

В этой статье, we will learn about the different types of solar panels and will tell you how to choose the right type of solar panel for you.

How to choose the right type of solar panel for you?

What are the main types and characteristics of solar panels?

Solar panels are mainly divided into three types: Монокристаллический, polycrystal and film. To say which solar panel type is right for you to install depends on your preferences and the specifics of your own property.

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Monocrystalline solar panels are the most efficient.

Polycrystalline solar panels are perhaps the most cost-effective.

Thin film solar panels are very portable and are the best choice for DIY projects or motorhomes.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of solar panels

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Тип солнечной панелиПреимуществаНедостатки
МонокристаллическийHigh efficiency and performanceHigher costs
Поликристаллический Lower costsLower efficiency and performance
Тонкая пленкаPortable and flexible
Lower efficiency and performance

Different types of solar panel price?

Each a different solar panel has a different price and logo, mainly because the manufacturing process is different.

Monocrystalline solar panels: Expensive

Monocrystalline solar panels are generally the most expensive type of solar panel. Manufacturers have to bear a certain cost in manufacturing.

This process uses a lot of energy and wastes silicon. But don’t worry, that wasted silicon could later be used to make polycrystalline solar cells.

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Polycrystalline solar panels: relatively cheap

Polycrystalline solar panels are generally cheaper than Monocrystalline solar panels. The cells are made from fragments of silicon, rather than a single pure silicon crystal. This makes the battery manufacturing process simpler, reducing costs for manufacturers and allowing homeowners to install panels to spend less.

Thin-film solar panels: The situation is uncertain

The price of thin film solar cells is largely determined by the type of thin film panel. Обычно, cadmium telluride is the cheapest panel to manufacture. CIGS production costs are much higher than cadmium telluride and amorphous silicon.

The total cost of a thin-film solar panel installation is lower than a single or polycrystalline solar installation. Thin film solar panels are lighter, easier to operate, and less labor-intensive to install. В то же время, installers can more easily transport them to the roof and secure them. The installation labor charge is lower, so the overall cost is also lower.

How efficient are the different types of solar panels?

There are certain differences in the amount of energy that various types of solar panels can produce. If your roof space is limited, then choose an efficient solar panel that can make the most of your system.

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Monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels: Medium high efficiency

Monocrystalline panels typically have the highest efficiency and power capacity. Its efficiency can reach more than 22% and provide a power capacity of more than 300 ватты (Вт). Many even exceed 400w. В отличие, polycrystalline solar panels rarely exceed 17% efficiency and tend to have lower wattage.

At higher temperatures, monocrystalline solar panels tend to perform better than polycrystalline solar panels. They usually have a lower temperature coefficient, which means that they can still maintain high efficiency in hot outdoor conditions.

Although monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels differ in performance, their physical dimensions are roughly the same. Both types of solar panels are available with 60, 72, и 96 silicon cells.

Thin-film solar panels: Usually very inefficient

Thin-film solar panels are generally lower in efficiency and power capacity than monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels. The efficiency of thin-film solar panels depends on the specific materials used in their cells and is generally about 11%.

The size of thin-film solar cell technology is not uniform. Between different thin film panels, their power capacity is largely determined by their physical size. Общий, monocrystalline or polycrystalline solar panels typically have a higher power capacity per square foot than thin-film panels.

What are solar panels made of?

Solar cells consist of a semiconductor material that converts sunlight into electricity by converting photons into electrons. Silicon is the most commonly used semiconductor material in the manufacturing of solar cells.

Similar to how a led bathroom mirror enhances a bathroom, the right materials in solar panels boost efficiency.

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What is the composition of crystal solar panels?

Both single-crystal and polycrystalline solar panels contain silicon wafer cells. When making a crystal panel, the manufacturer combines the wafer units into rows and rows to form a rectangle. The batteries are then covered with glass sheets and the glass is encapsulated.

Кроме того, there are differences in composition. Single crystal solar cells are cut from single crystal silicon. When manufacturers make polycrystalline solar cells, they melt silicon crystal fragments together in a mold.

What are thin-film solar panels made of?

The production materials of thin film solar panels are different from single crystal and polycrystal, and are made of a variety of materials, and the common thin film solar panels are made of cadmium telluride (CdTe). В то же время, аморфный кремний (a-Si) and copper indium gallium selenium (CIGS) can also be used.

CdTe panel is placed between transparent conductive layers, and the top layer is protected by glass layer; The amorphous silicon panel is composed of amorphous silicon and placed on glass, и т. д.; CIGS panels attach a semiconductor material to a conductive substrate, with electrodes in front and back capturing the current.

What do the different types of solar panels look like?

If you want solar panels to be less visible on your roof, take note of what we have here. Different materials and production processes lead to differences in the appearance of different types of panels. On traditional black tile roofs, some will look better than others.

Monocrystalline solar panel: black

Black solar panels were seen on the roof, most likely single crystal panels. monocrystalline cells appear black because light interacts with pure silicon crystals. But the backs and frames of monocrystalline solar panels come in a variety of colors.

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The back is usually black, silver, or white, while the aluminum solar panel frame usually black or silver. The black framed monocrystalline panels have a high integration with most roofs.

Polycrystalline solar panels: with a blue hue

The blue hue of the polycrystalline silicon solar panels is due to the fact that the light reflected by the silicon fragments in the cell is different from the light reflected by the pure monocrystalline silicon sheets.

Polycrystalline panels also have different colors of the back plate and the frame, the frame is mostly silver, the back is silver or white.

featured image solar panels

Thin-film solar panels: Low profile and thin

Thin film solar panels have a low profile and are thinner than other types of solar panels. They can come in shades such as blue and black and are sometimes difficult to see from the ground.

Thin-film solar cells are about 350 times thinner than the wafers used in single-crystal and polycrystalline solar panels. Однако, its thickness depends on whether there is a thick frame, but the frame thickness of more durable film panels can be up to 50 мм.

Which type of panel is best for your installation?

Монокристаллический, polycrystalline and thin-film panels each have advantages and disadvantages, and which solution to use depends on your property and your savings goals.

Traditional rooftop solar panel systems, space is limited and want to save electricity in the long term, we recommend the use of single crystal panels, because of high efficiency.

If your roof is large and has a lot of space, choose low efficiency, low cost polycrystalline panels to save money up front.

Portable or DIY systems and large commercial roofs (which cannot support the weight of conventional equipment and have more room to withstand its inefficiency), thin-film solar panels are a good choice.

Start your Solar journey at GYCX Solar

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GYCX Солнечная is the leading solar energy market in China if you want to customize the system design for your home, as well as select the right solar panels. Contact us at GYCX Solar, our professional staff can help you solve your current questions

In the meantime, check out our GYCX solar Panel Marketplace to help you get a quote!


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