
ДА СОЛНЕЧНАЯ: A Global Leader in Solar PV Systems

Основан в 2005, JA SOLAR has emerged as a prominent player in the solar industry. The company went public on the NASDAQ in 2007 (код акций: ПОЛУЧАТЬ) and has consistently achieved remarkable milestones since then. В 2019, JA SOLAR secured a top-four position in worldwide module shipments, further solidifying its position as a global leader in the industry.
JA SOLAR’s success is not limited to its market performance. The company has been listed in prestigious rankings such as “Fortune 500 China” and “Global 500 New Energy Enterprises” for several years, highlighting its sustained growth and influence in the renewable energy sector.
With a focus on silicon wafer, клетка, and module manufacturing, JA SOLAR has established itself as a world-leading manufacturer. К концу 2017, the company had achieved an impressive production capacity of 3 GW for silicon wafers, 7 GW for cells, и 6 GW for modules. These numbers reflect JA SOLAR’s commitment to meeting the growing demand for solar PV systems worldwide.
Since its inception, JA SOLAR has accumulated a cumulative shipment volume of over 25 ГВт, a testament to its widespread adoption and trust among customers. The company’s global presence is further strengthened by its extensive network of more than 20 branches, enabling it to conduct business in over 100 countries across the globe.

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С годами, Компания JA Solar превратилась в ведущего мирового производителя кремниевых пластин., элементы и модули, используемые в солнечных фотоэлектрических системах. К концу 2017, its production capacity has reached 3 ГВт, 7 ГВт и 6 ГВт соответственно. С момента основания, JA Solar has cumulative shipments of over 25 ГВт. Они установили более 20 филиалов и компания ведет бизнес в более чем 100 страны по всему миру.

В заключение, JA SOLAR’s journey from its founding to becoming a global leader in solar PV systems is a testament to its unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. With its impressive production capacity, extensive global reach, and consistent recognition in industry rankings, JA SOLAR is poised to continue driving the growth and adoption of solar energy on a global scale.

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