- Reliable and cost-effective line of solar panels for residential, 商业的, and utility-scale applications.In the ever-growing world of solar energy, Jinko Solar Tiger Panels stand out as a high-performance and dependable choice for residential, 商业的, 和公用事业规模的项目.
- Equipped with 9BB technology for decreased power loss and Tiling Ribbon technology to eliminate cell gaps.With their cutting-edge 9BB technology, these panels are engineered to minimize power loss and maximize efficiency.One of the key features of Jinko Solar Tiger Panels is the innovative Tiling Ribbon technology, which eliminates cell gaps and ensures a seamless connection between cells. This advanced design not only enhances the overall performance of the panels but also guarantees a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
- 最多功率输出 475 水压 和效率 21.16%.When it comes to power output, Jinko Solar Tiger Panels truly shine. With an impressive power output of up to 475 Wp and an efficiency rating of 21.16%, these panels deliver exceptional performance even in challenging weather conditions.
- 30-年产品保修 and double IEC tests.In addition to their outstanding performance, Jinko Solar Tiger Panels come with a 30-year product warranty, providing you with peace of mind and long-term reliability. 此外, these panels undergo rigorous double IEC tests, ensuring their durability and adherence to international quality standards.
Unleashing the Power of Jinko Solar Tiger Panels: A Reliable and Cost-Effective Solution for All Solar Applications. Whether you are looking to power your home, 商业, or a large-scale solar farm, these panels will exceed your expectations. Investing in Jinko Solar Tiger Panels means investing in a sustainable future. Join the solar revolution and harness the power of the sun with these high-performance panels that offer unmatched reliability, 效率, 和长寿.
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