The specially designed series inverter is perfect for the 127/220Vac three-phase system, particularly suitable for South American regions. Its compact design ensures easy installation and operation. 逆变器支持宽交流输出电压范围, allowing it to adapt to challenging grid conditions and extend its working hours. 配合智能监控平台, Deye’s full series inverter products enable immediate remote shutdown in case of accidents. 此外, remote parameter settings and firmware updates make PV plant operation and maintenance more convenient.
最大限度. 光伏输入功率 (千瓦) | 23.4-27.3 |
最大限度. 光伏输入电压 (V) | 800 |
启动电压 (V) | 250 |
MPPT电压范围 (V) | 200-700 |
额定光伏输入电压 (V) | 350 |
最大限度. 光伏工作输入电流 (A) | 40+40 |
最大限度. 输入短路电流 (A) | 60+60 |
不. MPP 跟踪器数量/数量. 每个 MPP 跟踪器的字符串数 | 2/3+3 |
额定交流输出有功功率 (千瓦) | 18-21 |
最大限度. 交流输出视在功率 (千伏安) | 18-21 |
额定输出电压/范围 (V) | 127电压/220V, 133伏/230V 0.85UN-1.1UN |
并网形式 | 3L/N/PE |
额定输出电网频率/范围(赫兹) | 50/45-55, 60/55-65 |
功率因数调整范围 | 0.8 导致 0.8 滞后 |
总电流谐波失真 THDi | <3% |
直流注入电流 | <0.5%因 |
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