400ah lithium battery with LiFeCoPO4 lithium-ion batteries for communication home energy storage power products.
可扩展电池模块化设计 (灵活组合 1 到 8 模块)
家电设计, 简单又美丽.
具有RS485接口, 可实现数据传输和并行组网.
准确测量SOC (剩余容量 / 满负荷) 和SOH
(放电容量 / 标称容量)
模块化设计, 灵活并联扩展,从2.5kWh到20kWh, 最多 8.

The high energy density of stackable battery can store more electricity in the same volume. 模块化设计,可轻松堆叠或并联,适应不同的储能需求和应用场景, 提供极大的灵活性和易于扩展.

叠放的锂电池不易损坏, 它们的长寿命也延长了保质期.

其模块化堆叠设计方便安装和快速拆卸, 允许用户轻松添加或移除电池单元, 简化安装过程并减少时间和人力成本.

stacked lithium batteries have an ultra long cycle life, 确保持久可靠的能量存储, 在整个生命周期内提供稳定的性能和高效的运行.

堆叠式储能电池系统强调环保. 环保材料和先进技术减少材料浪费并优化资源利用.

电池提供多种保护, 比如充电高压保护, 放电低电压保护, 充电和放电, 过流保护, 高温保护, 和短路保护.

GycxSolar是优秀的太阳能解决方案服务商, 以最高标准制造的电池产品广泛应用于各种模式的电池存储系统, 可以扩展到市场上任何通用系统.
最新的LiFePo4电池的寿命比其他类型的可堆叠锂电池长得多, 降低维护成本.
The 400ah lithium battery stacked lithium batteries module can be used with a wide range of well-known brand inverters. 这种高性能锂电池容量大, 充电速度快, 高连续放电功率, 效率高达 98%.
先进磷酸铁锂 (磷酸铁锂) 技术可以在更宽的温度范围内提供最可靠的性能.
内置智能安全电池管理系统,集成过充、深度放电保护等多级安全功能, 电压和温度观察, 过流保护, 电池监控和平衡, 和过热保护.




GYCX电池可与市场上大部分知名逆变器配套使用. 如果您是这些逆变器的经销商或安装商, 那么GYCX将是您正确的选择.

The 400Ah lithium battery stack is a high-capacity lithium-ion battery system that typically uses lithium iron phosphate (磷酸铁锂) 作为电池材料. The main advantages of this battery include:
高能量密度: capable of storing more electrical energy in a limited space.
循环寿命长: Compared to traditional batteries, lithium-ion stacked batteries have more cycles of charging and discharging, resulting in a longer service life.
安全性高: Lithium iron phosphate materials have good thermal and chemical stability, reducing the safety risks of batteries during use.
Strong scalability: By stacking multiple battery cells, the capacity and voltage of the battery pack can be flexibly adjusted according to demand to meet different application scenarios.
400Ah lithium battery stack is suitable for various scenarios, 包括但不限于:
Home energy storage: used to store the electricity generated by solar panels or provide backup power in the event of a power outage on the grid.
Commercial energy storage: providing stable power support for enterprises or commercial facilities, optimizing electricity costs.
电动车: As the power source of electric vehicles, they provide longer range and shorter charging time.
工业设备: Provide reliable power support for various industrial equipment to ensure stable operation of the equipment.
Communication base station: serves as a backup power source for communication base stations, ensuring uninterrupted operation of the communication network.
To ensure the performance and service life of the 400Ah lithium battery stack, it is recommended to take the following maintenance and upkeep measures:
Regularly check the battery status: Use professional testing equipment to regularly check parameters such as voltage, 当前的, 温度, and SOC (充电状态) 电池的, and promptly identify potential issues.
Avoid overcharging and discharging: Try to keep the battery level between 20% 和 80%, and avoid prolonged deep discharge or overcharging.
Control environmental temperature: The optimal operating temperature range for the battery is 15 ℃ 至 30 ℃. Avoid using batteries at excessively high or low temperatures to avoid affecting their performance and lifespan.
Cleaning the battery surface: Regularly clean the dust and dirt on the battery surface to prevent them from affecting the battery’s heat dissipation performance.
Regular balanced charging: For stacked batteries, it is recommended to perform balanced charging regularly to ensure that the voltage of each battery cell is consistent and to avoid battery damage caused by voltage imbalance.
Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines: strictly follow the instructions and maintenance manuals provided by the battery manufacturer to ensure the correct use and maintenance of the battery.
Through the above measures, the service life of 400Ah lithium battery stack can be effectively extended, ensuring the stability and reliability of its performance.