选择我们的 48 volt lithium phosphate battery to bring greater energy efficiency to your home and significantly reduce your energy bill. 这种全面的电池解决方案在停电期间提供稳定的应急电源, effectively reducing dependence on the external grid.
Our professional installation services are designed to ensure a quick and hassle-free process. The selection of superior materials, combined with cutting-edge manufacturing technology, ensures excellent durability and long service life. 此外, the intelligent monitoring system is equipped with real-time adjustment capabilities to ensure that the battery is always operating at optimal performance.
与我们的 48 volt lithium phosphate battery, 您将享受稳定可靠的能源供应,并大大降低电力消耗成本. This battery simplifies the home energy management process, providing a smart and efficient solution for your home power needs.

- 我们的 48 volt lithium phosphate battery are known for their simplicity, modularity and versatility. It saves installation space and provides you with an environmentally friendly and efficient energy solution.
- The battery uses advanced lithium iron phosphate (磷酸铁锂) technology to ensure excellent reliability and durability, 预计使用寿命十年以上.
- 此外, our 48 volt lithium phosphate battery are equipped with a push-button switch design, which is essential for simplifying operations such as wiring, 安装与维护, 使过程变得简单方便.
- 我们的 48 volt lithium phosphate battery can be seamlessly integrated into a wide range of systems, from uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) to solar PV systems.
- These batteries have been carefully designed and customized to solve complex energy management problems. Our energy storage solutions are powerful and reliable, ensuring that the relevant systems continue to operate steadily to meet your energy needs.
我们的 48 volt lithium phosphate battery are known for their compact and lightweight properties. 这种灵活性使我们能够为不同的应用程序方案提供自定义的解决方案, 从而提高安装效率, 降低成本, and providing customers with a flexible and smooth user experience.
我们的 48 volt lithium phosphate battery are made from environmentally friendly materials, 没有重金属, 并符合全球环境法规. 在生产中, 我们将环境保护作为核心任务, 减少有害排放, 并促进产品可持续性和环境进步.
我们的 48 volt lithium phosphate battery are equipped with advanced power management technology to effectively prevent battery overcharge and overdischarge, significantly enhancing battery life and overall performance. 这不仅优化了用户体验, 而且还有助于降低相关成本.
New materials and high technology are used in production to ensure long-term stability and reliability of the battery. The integrated intelligent monitoring system continuously monitors the operating parameters of the battery and automatically adjusts them to reduce the risk of outages and help customers effectively control costs.
循环寿命超过 5000 次
这 48 volt lithium phosphate battery has an excellent cycle life and is able to sustain performance through more than 5,000 充电和放电循环, 确保电池的持久效率和可靠性. 我们继续进行环境保护并为环境的长期可持续发展做出贡献.
我们的电池管理系统 (电池管理系统) 持续监测电压, 当前的, and temperature to prevent battery overcharging, 过度放电, 和过热, 增强系统安全. 此外, 内置报警机制,确保电网稳定安全运行, 为用户提供额外的安全保障.

Powerwall 适合哪些家庭?
1. 有稳定供电需求的家庭.
2. 有太阳能发电条件的家庭.
3. 追求能源独立和环保家园.
4. 电费或峰谷电价差异较高地区的家庭.
5. 居住面积较大的家庭.

工程案例 & 应用
生产环境 & 包装
将电池组置于25°C环境箱中, 0.2C恒流恒压至54.65V, 0.05C 截止, 把它放在一边 60 分钟; 1C放电至37.5V.
电池组以0.1C恒流充电, 0.2C,0.3C,0.5C,25℃环境下1C至54.75V.
恒压达到0.05C后停止充电, 并记录不同倍率下的充电测试数据.
在常温环境下, 100% SOC 存储 28 天数测试容量保持率和恢复率(测试 5 组电池)

55℃,100% S0C存储4*7 28 天, 测试容量保持率和恢复率(测试平均值 5 组电池)

25’℃, 0.2C恒流充电至53.25V, 恒压至 0.05C 截止; 后 30 存储分钟数, 0.2C 放电 电源至 42V, 循环到 80% SOC 截止;
25℃, 1C恒流充电至53.25V, 恒定电压至 0.05C 截止; 后 30 存储分钟数, 1C放电至42v, 循环到 80% SOC 截止.

服务寿命 48 volt lithium phosphate battery is very long, 一般高达超过 4000 充电和放电循环, 并且可以维持超过 10 正常使用情况下的年数.
能源效率 48 volt lithium phosphate battery is about 95%, 充电效率不低于 97%, 且放电效率不小于 98%, 这非常好.
从每千瓦时的存储成本和长期节能效果来看, 壁挂式太阳能电池非常具有成本效益.
是的, 电池保修期是 6 年. 如果在此期间我们有任何质量问题, 我们将为您解决.