The wall-mounted 51.2V 100Ah lithium battery can provide stable and powerful power support for various electronic devices in the home. 无论是日常使用, or in the event of power outages, it can greatly reduce the dependence on the public grid, thus achieving energy saving goals.
其紧凑的设计不仅节省了宝贵的空间资源, but also is extremely easy to install and use. 电池采用顶级材料和先进工艺,确保长期稳定运行. 同时, it is also equipped with an intelligent monitoring system that automatically optimizes the battery status.
The wall-mounted 51.2V 100Ah lithium battery is undoubtedly the ideal choice for home energy management. Not only does it enhance the energy independence of households and save money, it also ensures a reliable and continuous supply of electricity.

- The 51.2V 100Ah lithium battery adopts a highly modular and integrated design scheme, which can significantly save installation space.
- The battery is made of high-performance iron phosphate material with excellent consistency and design life of more than ten years.
- The 51.2V 100Ah lithium battery is equipped with a key switch, 制作操作, 接线, installation and maintenance more convenient.
- The battery offers a variety of safety features, 包括超温报警, 过充保护, 和短路保护.
- The 51.2V 100Ah lithium battery is highly compatible with UPS and photovoltaic (光伏发电) 系统, 实现无缝集成.
小安d 便携式
The 51.2V 100Ah lithium battery has the characteristics of compact structure and light weight, 易于运输和安装. 适用于多种不同环境, 可有效提高安装效率, 降低成本, and increase the flexibility and convenience of use.
The 51.2V 100Ah lithium battery is made of environmentally friendly materials, 不含重金属, and fully meets international standards. In the production process always adhere to the concept of environmental protection, can effectively reduce the generation of harmful substances.
The 51.2V 100Ah lithium battery can accurately estimate the remaining power of the battery, 有效防止过充、过放的发生, 从而延长电池的使用寿命, 优化其性能, 提升使用体验, 并节省成本.
51.2v 100ah锂电池免维护. 其选用优质材料, through exquisite workmanship, 性能稳定可靠. The battery is equipped with an intelligent monitoring system that automatically detects and adjusts to reduce downtime.
循环寿命超过 5000 次
Its cycle life is more than 5000 次, 性能长期稳定高效. It is suitable for daily application scenarios, and can also play an excellent role in high-intensity applications, which can effectively extend its own service life. 低成本, reduce waste, very durable.
电池内置BMS可监测电压, 实时电流、温度,防止过充, 过放电和过热, 大大提高了电池及设备的安全性, 并提供报警功能,保证系统稳定运行.

Powerwall 适合哪些家庭?
1. 有稳定供电需求的家庭.
2. 有太阳能发电条件的家庭.
3. 追求能源独立和环保家园.
4. 电费或峰谷电价差异较高地区的家庭.
5. 居住面积较大的家庭.

工程案例 & 应用
生产环境 & 包装
将电池组置于25°C环境箱中, 0.2C恒流恒压至54.65V, 0.05C 截止, 把它放在一边 60 分钟; 1C放电至37.5V.
电池组以0.1C恒流充电, 0.2C,0.3C,0.5C,25℃环境下1C至54.75V.
恒压达到0.05C后停止充电, 并记录不同倍率下的充电测试数据.
在常温环境下, 100% SOC 存储 28 天数测试容量保持率和恢复率(测试 5 组电池)

55℃,100% S0C存储4*7 28 天, 测试容量保持率和恢复率(测试平均值 5 组电池)

25’℃, 0.2C恒流充电至53.25V, 恒压至 0.05C 截止; 后 30 存储分钟数, 0.2C 放电 电源至 42V, 循环到 80% SOC 截止;
25℃, 1C恒流充电至53.25V, 恒定电压至 0.05C 截止; 后 30 存储分钟数, 1C放电至42v, 循环到 80% SOC 截止.

壁挂式锂电池是一种设计为挂在墙上的锂电池系统, 通常用于家庭或小型商业场所的储能.
The 51.2v 100ah lithium battery will power the house for a certain amount of time depending on how much power the house uses. If the electricity power is 1kW, it can supply power for 5 小时, and 2kW is 2.5 小时. Actual power supply time is affected by battery performance, loss, and other factors.
从每千瓦储能成本和长期节能效果来看, 壁挂式太阳能电池非常具有成本效益.
通过合理设置设备参数可以延长电池寿命, 优化使用习惯, 进行电池维护和管理, 选择节能设备并使用移动电源.
是的, 电池保修期是 6 年. 如果在此期间我们有任何质量问题, 我们将为您解决.